More About Society of St. Ursula
The Society of Saint Ursula was founded by Anne de Xainctonge in 1606 in Dole, France, "to make Jesus Christ known and loved." God's love inspired Anne to begin a company of religious women who, as educators in the faith, would serve women and girls, especially the poorest.
Anne established a new way of living religious life, refusing the cloister, insisting her Sisters have the freedom to go out to serve, a daring and prophetic idea for that era.
Celebrating over 400 years, the Sisters of the Society of Saint Ursula have lived out her vision, adapting themselves to the demands of each new age, being supported and challenged by life in community.
Rooted in Jesus Christ and in the spirituality of Ignatius Loyola, they have shared Anne's mission for the human and spiritual development of those whom they are called to serve.